Alien Blueberry, also called Blue Alien, created by crossing the Blueberry and Alien Kush strains. Alien Blueberry’s first parent (and one of its namesake strains), Blueberry is a cross of strains Purple Thai and Thai, and is regarded as an “A-list” cannabis strain...
Banana Kush is an indica-dominant hybrid strain created by crossing the Ghost OG and Skunk Haze strains. Ghost OG, which is itself a cut of OG Kush, is an award-winning hybrid known for its balanced cerebral and body effects. Meanwhile, Banana Kush’s other parent,...
Birthday Cake also goes by the names Birthday Cake Kush or Wedding Cake – and all of these names are fitting for a strain that carries such a sweet vanilla taste. A hybrid, Birthday Cake is a cross of the Girl Scout Cookies and Cherry Pie strains. Girl Scout...
Blue Cookies, also called Blue SC, is an indica-dominant hybrid strain that takes its name from its two well-known parents, Girl Scout Cookies and Blueberry. Girl Scout Cookies, which descends from OG Kush and Durban Poison, is known for its sweet, pungent flavor and...
Dominion Skunk is a popular hybrid strain with an interesting background. Cultivators started off by crossing Skunk VA Chemdog – a pungent East Coast strain with a diesel-y smell – and Skunk#1, which is a potent strain known for its sour skunkiness and...
Dosidos is an indica-dominant hybrid created by crossing the heavyweight Girl Scout Cookies (GSC) strain with the “body-melting” Face Off OG. Dosidos’ Girl Scout Cookies parent, which is a cross between OG Kush and Durban Poison, brings on euphoric effects and lends...