Super Lemon MAC – 0.5g LRX Cart
Super Lemon MAC combines Colorado favorite Super Lemon Haze with the celebrated MAC. MAC, otherwise known as Miracle Alien Cookies, was created by L.A. breeder Capulator. He had crossed Columbian x Starfighter and waited for four years prior to actually planting the resulting seeds. Before he planted them, he forgot about them in his pocket and they went through the washing machine, where his wife found them while doing laundry and immediately placed them in a wet paper towel to germinate. Two weeks later all of them suddenly died, but one. Capulator named the surviving plant “Miracle” and it was used to pollenate his favorite strain Alien Cookies, creating MAC.
Super Lemon MAC is a versatile hybrid strain noted for its quick onset, lasting duration and for influencing bursts of laughter.
Flavor profile: Floral perfume, earthen musk, gas, chili mango, and hits of garlic. Pairs well with steak tartar and fries.

Super Lemon MAC – 0.5g LRX Cart
Super Lemon MAC combines Colorado favorite Super Lemon Haze with the celebrated MAC. MAC, otherwise known as Miracle Alien Cookies, was created by L.A. breeder Capulator. He had crossed Columbian x Starfighter and waited for four years prior to actually planting the resulting seeds. Before he planted them, he forgot about them in his pocket and they went through the washing machine, where his wife found them while doing laundry and immediately placed them in a wet paper towel to germinate. Two weeks later all of them suddenly died, but one. Capulator named the surviving plant “Miracle” and it was used to pollenate his favorite strain Alien Cookies, creating MAC.
Super Lemon MAC is a versatile hybrid strain noted for its quick onset, lasting duration and for influencing bursts of laughter.
Flavor profile: Floral perfume, earthen musk, gas, chili mango, and hits of garlic. Pairs well with steak tartar and fries.